Monkey Throw Dart: Moving Into Positive Territory

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Moving Into Positive Territory

Just one thing I have to get off my chest...
One dyspeptic ape doesn't make us all bad. Recent stories of face eating chimps might give the impression that we are all merely uneducated baboons waiting to devour the nearest primate, but look, I've taken Xanax one or twice and I came out of that just fine. Hey, I'm just like you. Don't let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch as Michael Jackson would say.

Nuff said. Back to the game plan.

As stated yesterday, the CMI sold out at the open while I held out a while longer which worked out nicely. In retrospect, it would have been more profitable to have set a stop and let the market go deep for another 2% but hindsight is 20/20 as they say. Bottom line...the fifteen day old QID buy netted just under 2% even after taking a 10% dip a week ago.

The year to date results are posted in the left sidebar. Not stellar by any means but also fairly solid results after three round trips this year. It would be unfortunate if the market fell apart right after getting out of the QID, but on the other hand, this semi-automatic trading method is easy on the nerves. Additionally, and not really necessary to mention, CMI is out-performing the market.