Monkey Throw Dart: Outta Here

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Outta Here

There's nothing but re-runs of 'I Love Lucy' here till the middle of May. The CMI will continue to track the market but I'll not be posting until I finish scavenging for grubs and fresh water on the other side of the jungle.

Here's a good opportunity to break your addiction to the Monkey Throw Dart blog and forget all that you have read. Don't tell your friends and by all means continue watching CNN, getting burned by the cheats who run the market, and giving up your hard earned devalued dollars. I wish you well on your life's journey and good luck with your gambling debts.


I mean it.

Everyone knows that the market absorbs all good money making methods. So do me a favor and just leave me and the CMI for good.

If anyone is still here. See you soon. Same monkey time, same Monkey channel.