Monkey Throw Dart: Green Monday

Monday, January 4, 2010

Green Monday

After a day like today, I would expect the market to crash and burn tomorrow just to make things right with the world. Since I am now using the CMI 2.0, I am still riding the QLD until a sell signal comes around.

Updated results for this QLD trade are posted in the left sidebar. 8.8% is not a bad "take" since December 11th. Sidebar results are listed as 'year to date'. This is not really true however. The 8.8% just reflect the first unofficial trade using CMI 2.0. This number will be adjusted to reflect actual 2010 trades as we get further into the year. I'm only posting it to highlight this first trade as we cross into the new year. It just happens to be a winning trade...right now. It is possible that this QLD trade could do a big 180 and give up these initial gains. This mechanical method does not use stops

I am putting together a frequency chart of the CMI 2.0. After the first losing trade, if there is one...hehe, I will show frequency of winning trades to losing trades and then compare this frequency with "amplitude". Amplitude basically shows cummulative win % versus losing %. So while the back and forth win/loss cycle cannot be avoided, the historical win/loss 4:1 ratio will justify the use of this method...or at least will look very convincing.