Monkey Throw Dart: Steely Resolve of the MM's Current Market View

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Steely Resolve of the MM's Current Market View

Got a case of dynamite
I could hold out here all night...

I checked it once and checked it twice but as it turns out the MensaMonkey has a deathgrip on the PSQ which only goes up in price if the market goes down.  That's a half percent in the wrong direction but that's the way the monkey dung is "flung" around these parts.  Emotion is not part of the equation with these seemingly stubborn jungle indicators.
Can you hear the evil crowd
the lies and the laughter
I hear my insides
The mechanized hum of another world...
Contrary to the fickle masses, MM hears only his own tune and continues to build cause for a possible market meltdown.  The chart below shows the return of a large head and shoulders pattern that is clear as day on the NASDAQ chart.  Looks ominous, but mirages have been known to appear, and then disappear just as quickly.  Is this what MM is "seeing' on the horizon?

No red light flashing
Here in this darkness
I know what I've done
I know all at once who I am.

At today's close,  MensaMonkey still shows three short-term buy signals and one 800-pound gorilla of a long-term sell signal.  Green light means go but nothing is getting past an 800-pound gorilla right now.  MM needs to be reminded that he should be following the trend rather than trying to predict it, but some monkeys you just can't reach, as Victor Frankestein once said.  Yeah, that movie Cool Hand Frank.


I should never have installed that mp3 player right next to MM's central processor.

Related post: The 800 Pound Reversal Signal