Looking for a few stocks that may prove to be winners under an Obama presidency? Check out Steve Gandel's article on this very subject.
If you need last minute Christmas gift ideas for that grinch-like, Madoff-type, look no further than the Dendrobates azureus, better known as the Blue Poison Arrow Frog. Best to look and not touch these fearless little creatures. Wrapping them can be quite a challenge. If you spend as much time in the rain forest as I do, you get to know the poison frogs by their brightly colored skin. Hunters in these areas rubs their hunting arrows on the skin of these little colorful creatures to give the arrows a little extra knock-out juice.
The Cheetum Market Index says "no trade" and gave a little -1.8% loss. No worries here as we are holding our earlier position in the QLD with the expectation of the CMI re-calling the "buy" signal any day now.
At Least Now We Know the Truth
4 hours ago