Monkey Throw Dart: Warren Buffett's Words to the Wise

Monday, December 1, 2008

Warren Buffett's Words to the Wise

"There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.” ~Warren Buffett

How well did you do this year? Most likely your broker made out much better than you did. Regardless of how your trade turned out, your broker made made a commission. Warren's quote is proven over and over again by those traders who think that mo' complicated is mo' betta. Even a chimp knows that simplicity in trading methods makes for less trading account damage (and less brain damage for that matter) in the long run.

Take a look at the results of the Cheetum Method of Trading between September 19th 2007 and October 2nd 2008...

+14.50%, -2.50%,-1.29%,-0.63%,+24.18%, -3.97%,+30.61%, +13.25%,-5.00%,+18.72%

Five wins and five losses. Average percent gain per trade is just under 9%. Not so impressive at first glance but notice how the losses are kept in check and the gains were allowed to run. The Cheetum Method is a mostly mechanical method of trading with a slight need to set stops when the opportunities arise. Here's the most exciting part. A $1000 investment in September 07 would be worth $2179 if each trade was rolled over to the next. Or, if you were more conservative and put only $1000 into each trade, your original $1000 would be worth $1879.
That's a 118% and 88% gain, respectively, in just over one year. This does not include the huge gains being made since October 2nd. (I'll add those in later).

Now let me ask again...How well did you do this year?