Monkey Throw Dart: Stocks Buried Alive

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Stocks Buried Alive


Deep below the surface, in the cemetery of industry groups that have been buried and forgotten this year, lies a few stocks trapped by compacted dirt and gravel from the poor performance of their peers. Slowly they claw their way back to the surface, creeping closer and closer to the world of the living; leaving their counterparts to the maggots and worms below. Here are a few that have pushed through the turf and have grabbed my attention...

Each charts shows the individual stock represented by the green line versus the ghoulish decline of entire group represented by the black line.

Expedia Inc (+8.7% YTD) vs. Internet Services Delivery Group

8x8 Inc ( +58.0% YTD) vs. Communication Components Groupeght

American Tower Corp (+9.1% YTD) vs. Comm. Infrastructure Groupamt

Fossil Inc (+56.1% YTD) vs. Precious Metal Jewelry Groupfosl

Golar LNG (+173.4% YTD) vs. Transportation Shipping Groupglng

New Gold Inc (+30.9%), Minefinders Corp. (+34.1%), Yamana Gold (+21.5%) vs.
Mining Misc. Group

The state of the solar energy group was so horrifying that I dare not speak of it at all.

fast food

Speaking of zombies. I would recommend 28 Days Later as the "chased by the un-dead" movie of choice. Of course, if you recommend this movie to a friend you will get the same response..."What's so scary about Sandra Bullock in re-hab?! Dude, not a single zombie in the flick!" And your response will be, "I said, 28 Days Later, not 28 Days, you simple-minded baboon".

This movie should also not be confused with 28 Weeks Later (sequel), 12 Monkeys, 127 Hours, 30 Days of Night, Blink 182, Turk 182, "24", The 24th Day, Passenger 57, or The Taking of Pelham One Two Three. Just remember that if you don't see a bunch of caged, screaming monkeys in the first few minutes you've picked the wrong movie.
