Monkey Throw Dart: Dollar Devaluation to the Rescue?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dollar Devaluation to the Rescue?

Frank Beck shares his thoughts on how to resolve the current financial mess. After reading this article, I'm sure you will be thinking about other places to put your savings.

After today's meltdown in the market, and my untimely prediction of a rally, I now remember that the purpose of this site is not to predict market direction. Instead, it is to assess current market conditions and then to ride the coattails of the current market trend. Not to make excuses, but I'm sure I've taken one too many coconuts to the head.

The Cheetum Market Index gave a new "NO TRADE" signal today and finally broke loose from the eight week "SELL" signal. The no trade sign could be short lived. A divergence between volume analysis and historical price data caused this new signal. Nice to see that the bugger is awake and breathing.