I decided to jump back into the QID at noon yesterday for no other reason than wanting to be part of this bear market. In addition, the news next week should not warm the hearts of any bulls. This means that the market should go up next week based on my poorly executed, contrarian trades last week.
I can only try to justify shorting without the consent of the CMI by saying that the market will go much lower long term and that I still have a few % points to play with until I match the performance of the CMI. (See the left sidebar). This means that I still am confident that the CMI will repeat it's performance of the last year and a half.
The CMI apparently does not want to commit to picking a direction. This is most likely due to the large swings over the last two months. When will the CMI turn on the buy signal again? Best guess is next Thursday.
What can one learn from the LA fire?
7 minutes ago