After over a month, the QLD trade may finally be in jeopardy of going the way of the dodo bird. The expected results of this trade pale in comparison to the current result. It won't take much persuasion to switch to the QID since an end of Monday 47.39 on the QQQQ's will be just enough to pull the trigger. That's only about a 0.2% fall in price from where it is currently sitting. As always, I would wait to see the bear in the left sidebar until selling the QLD and buying the QID.
As a reminder, the CMI 2.0 differs from the original CMI because there is no 'downtime' between trades. With the CMI 2.0, you're either a QLD or a QID. No sideline sitting. This can have obvious drawbacks such as those dreaded (don't make me say it)... whi**aws. With that said, the CMI 2.0 has prospered even with this back and forth type of trading.
Who knows, maybe the Nasdaq will shoot for some new highs tomorrow. In the jungle, we follow rather than predict.
Why is Vistra Tanking?
3 hours ago