Market Beat
If you were on the wrong side of the market today, all's you can do is look to the Ramones for solace. Those guys are gonna make it big someday. Personally speaking, today was good for the stocks and bad for the 'way out of the money' put credit spread that ain't so way out of money anymore.
Bread, Milk, and Uranium
On an 'unrelated to the stock market' note, this dude was trying to split atoms in his kitchen. You must need a sharp Ginsu for that job. I wish there was a jungle in Sweden. Seems like industrious folks out there. The 2000 comments under the story are hilarious but your eyes may fall out of your head reading them all.
Not So Fast, Moving Average Unbeliever...
That post I was writing on the misconception of lightening up the portfolio when prices cross below the 200 day moving average will have to wait. A 512 point drop for the Dow could make a believer out of the biggest skeptic. We both know the Scalosians are to blame for the big red candle today.
Monday Market Melt-Down – Trump’s First Weak
3 hours ago