“Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust?”
― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
"The money stolen from many is divided among a few."
― Richard Ney, The Wall Street Jungle
Uninspired after sifting through some of my many Halloween masks from past years, I decided to create my own unique mask by slicing and dicing a few of those old financial crisis character costumes from 2008. Remember those? Since there are too many to use, I focused mainly on the more popular "pillars of the financial community" who by the way have other things in common ...like never spending a day in jail...except for one guy, but that's because he stole from the rich.
The main ingredients in the "recipe" for this most horrible of Halloween disguises starts with a base of GW Bush,
1 cup of Clinton,
and an eye of Mozilo.
Mix in one-half pate of Greenspan,
seasoned with some Hank "The Snake" Paulson,
Dick "I'm gonna rip your heart out" Fuld,
and a dash of Jimmy "The Joint" Cayne to stick it all together with.
Serve cold. It gets really warm in Hell.
Oh, the horror!
Here, let me try it on...

Funny thing is, the longer I look at it, the more handsome it gets. In a couple more years it might start looking like Rock Hudson or Elvis to me.
Time really does heal all wounds.
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