I still haven't ended this addiction to reading those investment alert stock reports that I find in the tree mail every so often. The year-end clean sweep of the hut produced a few more of these well-crafted, multi-colored brochures that make for great reading for those, like myself, who can't get enough of the potential 10-baggers that give meaning to reward-free risk.
These 'can't miss' opportunities are hard to spot. Luckily, the people willing to research and produce such informational literature are kind enough to send an occasional gold nugget my way in the form of a multi-page document complete with pie-graphs, bar-charts, and grandiose expectations of future share price.
Consider the following:
"Giant Goldcorp's NEXT Takeover Target"!"Even if gold hits $3,000 an ounce-you can still own it for $11.21."
What else could this be...Lone Star Gold of course or LSTG for short...
At least this one still has some volume. Looks like gravity is getting the best of this star.
Can't have gold without some silver. How about First American Silver (FASV)?
"Follow this great secret to silver investing and see why First American Silver at $1 could hit $12.75 in six months or less - almost a locked in gain no matter what the stock market does."
Hmmm. I'll take my chances with the stock market.
What's more precious than gold or silver. Gotta be Lithium according to this report.
What better way to power up that energy efficient Hummer. Own your very own shares of Lithium Exploration Group (LEXG).
According to the report...
"This scarce mineral is about to turn the energy markets upside down, and early-in investors stand to make money hand over fist."
The only way to make this stock profitable is to turn this chart upside down. No, that doesn't work either.
What about Gunpowder Gold(GUNP)? Bulletin says...
"...the world's top geologists whispering that another MASSIVE discovery is about to be made..."
Looks more like a massive coronary judging by that six-month flat line.
Finally, an investment newsletter not hyping gold...
"Easy Link Solutions (ESYL) has what could be the hottest consumer electronics device of the year...it makes a small HD/Symphonic Media Player you'll drool over...but buy the stock first; it looks ready to run as high as 989%."
"LOOK at what 559 million Chinese are buying right now!"
The Chinese must have bought with Euros.
Cant get enough? What about OncoSec Medical, Inc (ONCS)...
"Venture capitalists invested $114 million in OncoSec Medical, Inc. because of its revolutionary new breakthrough: It can instantly kill cancer cells by multiplying the power of a drug called Bleomycin 1,738 times using electricity."
Save a little electricity for the defibrillator. This charts going to need it.
Heading to the stream now; piranhas love this stuff.
Monday Market Melt-Down – Trump’s First Weak
3 hours ago