Monkey Throw Dart: Deja Vu Doo at the Fed

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Deja Vu Doo at the Fed

I tried to leave the whole new Fed chairman thing alone by taking the high road and saying nothing... but is there such a thing as "the high road" for a monkey?

Since MonkeyThrowDart may become history (a self-fulfilling prophesy) before the 100th birthday of the Federal Reserve I couldn't help but celebrate a little early; October seems like the right month to pay homage to 100 years of Fed policy which includes robbing a primate of half his savings over a working lifetime of 30 years with that hidden tax called inflation, not to mention the stability that the Fed has given us... except for the crashes of 1929, 1974, 1987, 1998, 2000, and 2008 with associated massive transfers of wealth from the poor to the 0.1%.

Now I am sure my prediction of a 2015 financial disaster (or asteroid strike) will occur, and maybe sooner than expected.  Typical of the sophomoric humor of those Fed folks and their handlers to finally give a woman a turn to be prom queen for a change; the star in the final horrific scene.  (I know, POTUS appoints but someone told him to do it.  (You don't think he makes these decisions on his own, do you?)

Janet "negative interest rate" Yellen will make the perfect fall guy, err, fall gal, as the Bernank steps aside and the bucket of pigs blood comes crashing down. 


And she looked so pretty in that prom dress.