Monkey Throw Dart: Prediction Retrospective 2012

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Prediction Retrospective 2012

The only reason I spend time at MonkeyThrowDart is to test a system that is supposed to find a good trend and follow it.  That's it, nothing more.  Even so, I am a monkey so I can't help but throw a few random predictions in the mix that are usually unrelated to the current trading system. Instead of burying the losing predictions in the quicksand and touting the lucky guesses, I like to review as many as possible just to verify that I don't know much of anything, and that I can be just as accurate with predictions about the market as I am about whether a flipped coin will land on heads or tails.  The coins have been flipped and here are the results...
Future Whats?

 On July 17, 2012, Sigmund said:

 So without further ado, here is the short list of lottery ticket picks, or future stars if they happen to double in price. I'll settle for any double digit gain in the next five months. How's that for a compromise?

 I actually expected these lucky pics to extend their sweet 2012 performance.  It just goes to show you that "market is as market does", and what might have looked good in the past doesn't necessarily mean that the future holds the same fate.  Most of these future stars entered the earths atmosphere and promptly burst into flames as can be seen by the current percent change since July...+11.5%, -27.5%, -35.8%, +28.8% -40.0%, +4.6%, -31.1%, -36.7%.  No need to attach the stock symbols here; you get the drift.

"Here We Go Again" Hurricane Pics

 On August 24, 2012, Sigmund said:

 This year I have some real winners. Even if the hurricane part doesn't work out, the swell created by a rising market over the next few months will help propel these stocks upward. A rising tide lifts all boats as they say.

 I was more than impressed with the results of this years hurricane wish list.  When you set the bar really low, good things can happen.  Here's the gist...

MTRX: flat
CPB: currently up 6%
WM: a stomach churning 10% dip that recovered in December; what a waste.  Luckily this is Waste      Management.
NUE: +15% if you held on tight.
SRCL: nice little range between 90 and 96.  Timing it right would give you a 5% gain.
GNCR: +50%  after an easy climb to +72%
GV: a slow and steady 8% loss.
Strangling NVDA
 On August 3, 2012, Sigmund said:
 Sometimes I think that options are just a more exotic way for the market to take my money. With that attitude, I sometimes straddle or strangle a stock that is approaching earnings. This way I can make a profit without knowing or caring which direction the stock price will move.
 I straddled and strangled NVDA on two occasions this year just to show that you can play with fire and not get burned too badly.  This is a good options strategy if you are just starting out trading options because it limits your losses (usually) and provides winners just over 50% of the time; at least it has over the last few years.  The August example trade resulted in a 70% gain in just few days.  At the next earning announcement, the trade resulted in a 3% loss. Both trades have two posts each; the set-up and the result a few days later.  Just scroll a little to find them if interested. 
October Surprise
 On September 30, 2012, Sigmund said:
 Looks like I have developed the need to throw the dung, uhhh, I mean dart, once again and predict that the S&P will rise to 1520 by the end of October. That would be a 5.5% gain.
 Well it would have risen if the market didn't drop in October like a...a...
yeah, like that.
Who Makes Money?
 On October 29, 2012, Sigmund said:
Leave it to the long-winded James Altucher to hit the nail on the head as to who actually makes money on Wall Street.
I'll summarize with a list...

1. People who hold forever.
2. People who hold for a trillionth of a second.
3. People with inside information.
4. Congressman
5. People who take fees.

 No prediction here, just reiterating.  I can only add that lucky timing also works but eventually un-lucky timing catches up to those who think they are smarter than they really are.  Hmmm, I can't seem to find a place to put MensaMonkey.  Maybe this is where lucky timing comes in...and luckily MM's ego was disabled months ago with some simple code written into the program...01110101101011001HaYuDoNtBaNaZz0110111001101010101000110.
 No prediction here either, except I predict no further action by anyone, until one of those death-bed confessions comes along; sort of like the one from Chauncey Holt years after the JFK assassination.
 Forget about WTC building #7 and its freakishly demolition-like demise.   The truth about 9/11 can be found only by following the money trail.
The Little Coal Short That Could
 On November 6, 2012, Sigmund said:
... since I usually review some of my "out on a limb" predictions at the end of the year, I'll pad the list by putting out a short list of coal stocks that will run back to the coal mine where they came from after Obummer is re-elected today.
ACI Current Price 8.34, Target Price 6.00-6.50
ANR Current Price 9.36, Target Price 7.00-7.50
BTU Current Price 28.52, Target Price 22.00-23.00
JRCC Current Price 4.63, Target Price 3.00-3.50

Sometimes it's just too easy, as long as you follow through with some action, shorting action in this case.  Not much of a limb here as any of these would have made an easy and profitable trade as your choice of candidates was between a lump of coal and another slightly darker lump of coal. 
Well there you have it.  Maybe I'll leave the predictions to the professionals who make their living being wrong as I obviously cannot predict the future with any consistency.  Maybe I'll look for some sharper darts, or a larger dartboard.