Monkey Throw Dart: Last Word on January Barometers, Super Bowl Indicators...Promise

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Last Word on January Barometers, Super Bowl Indicators...Promise

Well, based on recent events it looks like 2011 will be a dart-fest. That means that whatever stock you throw a dart at will not only stick to the target, but will produce a profit. Uptrending markets have that affect, and the January Barometer and Super Bowl Indicator say it must be true.

To re-cap, the January Barometer states that if the Dow Jones Industrial Average finishes the month of January with a gain, the market, too, will post a gain by year end 91% of the time. If the month of January is not so kind and the Dow posts a loss by month end, the market will tend to be bearish and post a loss 61% of the time.

Dow gains 315 points in January.

This is the first year that January has posted a gain since I have been dart-blogging . The last two years have produced losing Januarys and winning years which has dropped the 61% down a little. But with a winning January, how can we go wrong...91% accuracy is 91% accuracy. Of course it doesn't mean that it will be a smooth ride.

Adding more fuel to the absurd predictor list is the fact that two original NFL teams will battle it out on Sunday. Without an original AFL team, market up. You can blame '69 Jets for starting this whole thing.

Knowing this, "it's time to party like it's 1999" as the Prince of Darkness once said.

Bring the Tylenol.