You'll have to pry
this 3-D printer from my cold, dead hands!
~Sigmund B. Cheetum
Three-Dementional Monkey Business
I usually reserve the Latin for off-topic subjects, and
to make me sound smarter than I am. Looky here...cui bono, pro bono,
pecunia ex nihilo, caveat emptor, mama mea culpa...see what I mean? You'll find those words sprinkled throughout
this blog.
The jungle here is no different than anywhere else. We have rules, laws, and that annoying "circle of life" thing. The anacondas have been the self appointed rulers in these parts for as long as I can remember. They get out of hand sometimes and try to push the little dart frogs around. Poor little guys. They're harmless although they do have a mild hallucinogenic effect sometimes.
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Remember the Frogii Bipartisanai species group? |
Anacondas, or the local law as we call them, can be as prickly as a jumpin cholla, and take whatever they can if given the chance. I once saw one swallow a "Hoff" in a single gulp. Oh, the horror!
They don't come around here much lately. Seems a little strange, you might think. A peace-loving monkey who sits in a
tree and dreams of a resource-based economy where money is no longer needed, and every individual can explore his full potential should be an easy target. Well, ever since I bought this 3-D printer,
the anacondas and their associated vermin keep their distance.
I'm probably telling you something that you already know, but modern technology can be bought very cheaply now, and I'm sure you've seen these 3-D printers before. Let's let Yoda explain...
I got a little tired of seeing all this anaconda bullying and "froggy leg pulling" going on so instead of making a bunch of useless Yodas, I made an army of little, polymer dart frogs with one of these 3D printers.
Anacondas can't tell the difference!
You know I couldn't stop there, and since I'm a dart throwing monkey, I created a whole new set of darts too! They're not too dangerous but they sting like a motherflubbin' marabunta.
You'd be surprised how easy it is to use 3-D design
software. It allows you to create just
about anything that you want on your computer screen. With a 3-D printer, your two-dimensional design
comes to life before your eyes! Currently, the affordable
printers use mostly ABS which is a type of Styrene similar to what they use
to make stuff like hard-side luggage. The
detail and tight tolerances that these things are capable of holding are worthy
of a cheetah's respect.
I know what you're thinking... "Sigmund doesn't need a Glock to
Have you forgotten about the anacondas already? ...the "Hoff-eating" anacondas?
Life right now is good with a 3-D printer in the "toolbox". I'll be the only one in the jungle with a glow-in-the-dark Barrel O' Humans set.
I know that you think the anacondas and their associated vermin will try to restrict the use of these 3-D printers, maybe through a special executive anaconda order, don't you?
I know them better than that; they'll just go for an all-out ban on imagination.
Kind of interesting?
Kind of scary?
That's the idea...
Taking Stock in 3D Printing
No post on this blog would be complete without a few stock picks related to the subject of 3D printing. Three stocks come to mind, and are shown as a group with the five-year percent change on the right side of the chart.
3D Systems Corp, Stock Symbol-DDD; Current price $58.54
Stratasys Ltd, Stock Symbol-SSY; Current price $80.76
Organovo Holdings, Stock Symbol ONVO; Current price $4.27
Looking more closely at the chart, you might be thinking that you have missed your chance to get in at a reasonable price. I am more inclined to think that these companies have gorilla-like potential but each has been seriously over-hyped as reflected by the current price. I could be totally wrong, but right now I would use my 50% rule which makes my buy-in price half of the current price for all of them.
Hey, getting in at the best price, just like making a plastic frog, dart, or handgun from scratch, takes a degree of patience.
More about printers and guns here at
Quotes, more quotes, and inspiration regarding your 2nd
Amendment Rights courtesy of "STM" at
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends.
No post on this blog would be complete without a few stock picks related to the subject of 3D printing. Three stocks come to mind, and are shown as a group with the five-year percent change on the right side of the chart.
3D Systems Corp, Stock Symbol-DDD; Current price $58.54
Stratasys Ltd, Stock Symbol-SSY; Current price $80.76
Organovo Holdings, Stock Symbol ONVO; Current price $4.27
Looking more closely at the chart, you might be thinking that you have missed your chance to get in at a reasonable price. I am more inclined to think that these companies have gorilla-like potential but each has been seriously over-hyped as reflected by the current price. I could be totally wrong, but right now I would use my 50% rule which makes my buy-in price half of the current price for all of them.
Hey, getting in at the best price, just like making a plastic frog, dart, or handgun from scratch, takes a degree of patience.
More about printers and guns here at
Ex Nihilo - out of nothing