Monkey Throw Dart: Postcard From the Laboratory

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Postcard From the Laboratory

all work and no play...

Place looks like a pack of wildebeests got loose. Printouts, charts, and poison dart frogs everywhere. Finishing a dangerous experiment putting the mellow into some fast signals. Final version of CMI just around the corner...yeah, I said final. Less appears to be more; reduced trades by 70% over last three years with best annual results ever. Backtesting can be a fickle beast so re-re-rechecking all data and forward-testing as I write. Putting finishing touches on a Coppock curve update for September in my spare time. Still can't understand why they don't spell Xanax with a "Z".

Temp agency sent over some help...

beautiful bellatrix

I'm scared. I don't think she likes monkeys.

Switching to de-caf, stat.

Take care,