If you believe that this is more than just a short, counter-trend rally, or the start of a larger trend to the upside, these high beta stocks should outpace the pack...
symbol, name, current price
PIR, Pier 1 Imports, 11.01
SCSS, Select Comfort, 15.67
SAH, Sonic Auto, 13.51
REDF, Rediff.com India, 8.65
Each of these has already made some big gains over the last two days, but if the market want to go the way of the bull, there's more to gain.
DISCLOSURE: I do not own any of these nor do I plan on owning any of these. I posted this list so that the market will reverse course as it usually does after I post these high beta picks. I have much more to gain if the market falls like a hurricane-battered chimney brick.
You see, I, too, have ulterior motives, but at least I'm honest about it...which I guess doesn't make it ulterior anymore.
Mark Chaikin 2026 Crash
4 hours ago