Monkey Throw Dart: 225 Points Down Does Not a Ramones Day Make

Thursday, August 15, 2013

225 Points Down Does Not a Ramones Day Make

On the rare occasions when MensaMonkey is on the right side of the market, and the Dow drops 500 points, the rules of the jungle state that the Ramones must be given CPR and revived as a celebration of the event.  That hasn't happened since August 2011, here and here.  Monkeys don't gloat, especially one that can't seem to control his own creation, and follow a market trend.  Rather, the point of doing this is merely a reminder that large one day drops in the market can make for happy times.  That's been the whole point of this site since the moneychangers stole from the poor (again) back in 2008.

 Today was only a minor, little 225 point drop in the Dow, far from the magic 500, and not totally unexpected.  The Fed-fueled fantasy market of 2013 is probably just shaking out the "wall-of-worry" crowd.  I don't know what MM is going to do, but here's my market insight as to where I would expect the market to head, then bounce, and then head into lower territory...just when you were starting to check your 401k every other day to see how much more pretend money you've got.
I don't have anything for a 225 point drop in the Dow.  225 points is not Ramone-worthy, and the rules are the rules.  

Well, wait a minute. 

 I guess I can crack open that 18-year-old tube of Veruca Salt.  Days like this remind me of what Louise knows best.  You have to be ready for anything in this market.  One day you find yourself rolling out of bed and there's 70,000 screaming kids in your living room expecting to be entertained.  Yeah, Louise and her buddy Nina rarely disappoint...if you like that sort of thing.

 Kinda sad looking back 18 years and remembering that I was OLD back then.
Ahhhhh, yooooouth!